Thursday, August 18, 2011

Prediction and Remedies of lal Lal Kitab

In today’s fast changing world, our day to day life is hectic. From career, relationships, home, family and other factors affecting us directly or indirectly, it is hard to lead a peaceful life. With Lal Kitab, you can bring back the harmony and balance in your life.

Lal Kitab Predictions are based on the planetary positions in the twelve houses. According to the Lal Kitab, when a planet’s influence is in accordance to the house it is seated in, the Lal Kitab Remedies work wonders. But in case the planet exerts its own influence, the remedies cease to help.

The Lal Kitab Remedies are simple, easy and cheap. Some of the remedies suggested are: Apply chandan on forehead, plant ashoka tree and water it daily, sleep in south direction, wear copper coin in neck etc.

Lal Kitab Remedies are very effective and have no side-effects. Lal Kitab Predictions decipher the malefic effect of planets and the Lal Kitab Remedies reduce the ill effects miraculously.
Get the Lal Kitab Predictions and Remedies report from Acharya ji and lead a happy, stress-free and successful life.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What is Moon Sign - Moon Sign Importance (Basis of Vedic Astrology)

In the Kundali, the sign in which Moon is located is called Moon sign. It is also known as Birth sign. In Vedic astrology, Moon is considered the most important out of all the planets. It is also given the Name Sign. Because, as per astrology, Moon sign is the basis of naming a child. Name beginning from the alphabet of a Nakshatra’s Pad where Moon is located during birth, decides the birth sign name of an individual.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Astrologers on Rakhi (Rakshabandhan)

I recently read one article on Internet that suggests that the sisters should tie Rakhi on brothers' hand before 11 am on the day of Rakshabandan. The suggested reason is that the Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan) is coinciding with Rakshabandhan this year. Grahan is not considered good for any auspicious event. The Lunar eclipse is starting from 11.53 pm and will end at 5.27am next day for the city that the article had been published. The article states though the eclipse is starting late night, no auspicious task should be taken 12 hours before and after it. Article further states that the condition is worsening as the eclipse coincides with the season of kalsarpa dosha which is a time for disasters.

In my opinion, this is another example of how astrologers unnecessary create panic and confusion in public's mind without talking anything specific. The eclipse, as mentioned, starts almost late night and defining it precisely 12 hours doesn't make any sense to me. Will the eclipse will suddenly start showing effects from one minute after 11am? In my opinion, if 11am is safe so does 12noon.